Tuesday, November 28, 2006

For Sale: Wearable Art

Interested in getting a funky new t-shirt in the mail every three months without every having to enter a mall? How about in supporting a really cool visual artists' collective? Or maybe you just like shirts covered with monsters, beagles, overly-eyed babies and hairy dudes in hats. If so, head on over towww.latitude53.org. They're selling the series of 4 shirts for $100 as a fundraiser and will mail them straight to your door. You can see the picture down below.

For Sale: Wearable Art

Minus Freaking Forty

Yoy. It's only -28C out there, but with a 17 km/h wind, it feels like -40. Or so the Environment Canada website tells me. I am unwilling to go out with exposed skin to do my own experiements. Gah! I was supposed to be driving 4 hours south today to have an end-of-festival celebration for work but yesterday we decided to cancel it. Boy am I relieved. This is weather to be staying as close to home as possible - and ideally, in bed with lots of quilts. Despite this, I am going to work, since I was out for half of last week with the flu and have grant appliations due. I can only hope the heat is on today - yesterday when I got there, it wasn't. I worked in my fleece, toque and scarf. Lilas had her little gloves on too but I have lobster gloves which are not conducive to typing. Best run and catch my ride... yesterday's 45 minute wait for the bus was rather unsatisfactory so I've started riding with my assistant again. If she would just keep her hands on the wheel I'd feel better about that decision. Stay warm!

Monday, November 27, 2006

We Bought a Condo!

Yes, for real this time. I just faxed off the condition removal forms this morning. It's a two-bedroom, two bathroom condo on the first floor of a 2003 building a few blocks northwest of Oliver Square. We get possession mid-January. If you want to see pictures, look at number E3074638 on mls.ca.

We now have a large mortgage, but the appraiser at least valued it at $20 000 more than we're paying, so at least we shouldn't lose a fortune on it!

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

My office building is shaking. I think this is the closest I've ever come to an earthquake, and likely the closest I will ever come to one in very flat, very stable central Alberta. However, knowing the shaking is not due to natural causes is somehow not reassuring. They're redoing the roof on our three-story cubicle maze building and I keep wondering what they could possibly be doing up there to cause the floors and walls to actually bounce. Maybe it's time to go for lunch and watch from Tim Horton's to see if the building actually collapses.