Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Migraine Projects

Rem woke up with a migraine yesterday. When I left in the morning, he'd taken his meds and gone back to bed. When I came home in the afternoon, it was to a fixed garburator and Dutch tax forms and related documents spread out on the kitchen table.

Not being able to sleep, and having watched more than enough tv for one morning, my boy got productive. Apparently his Dad (who gets even worse headaches and they stick around for days) did the same when Rem was growing up and they called such things "migraine projects".

I hate Dutch forms, particularly tax forms. These migraines have their upside.


"You know you love someone when you let them go through your stuff and throw things out." -R. Milholland

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Monday, March 12, 2007

Birthday Feast

Hear ye, hear ye! The Vast Birthday Gathering of She Who Must Be Obeyed Stephanie is hereby announced. Celebrations will occur at Steph & Rem's on the evening of Friday, March 16. All those friendly to She Who Must Be Obeyed are exceedingly welcome.

There will be cake. Possibly several kinds. Hope you can come.

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Friday's Feast

Just in case you haven't heard, about every fourth Friday Feast is now happening at Erik's... and is a potluck. Upon popular request, we're sharing the hosting and cooking roles with everyone. Feasters should show up at Erik's after 6pm and can contact me for address details.

Monday, March 05, 2007

Tying knots with sticks.

My silence, blog-wise, of late can be largely attributed to my obsession with my latest hobby: knitting. My friend Jenn and I had been talking about our desire to learn to knit for several months when she actually went out and got some how-to books and dug in shortly after Christmas. The first book turned out to be a bust, but Jenn is nothing if not an intrepid researcher and found some on-line resources with videos. Check out www.knittinghelp.com if you too want to learn! A friend of Jenn's described it as "tying knots with sticks" and we figured we ought to be smart enough to tie knots, too.

Now, we are. Mostly. I can now knit, purl, cast on, bind off, increase and decrease. I'm just terrified of actually trying to follow a pattern so I'm making things up as I go along, with some success: I've finished a cushion cover! It was intended to be a scarf but somehow got wider than I'd intended and I ran out yarn before it was long enough to ever pretend to scarfness. Great cushion cover, though - matches our chairs. I'm now nearly done a big fuzzy shawl and then will start on a wool biking bandana for Rem.

I've spent a huge amount of time on this for the last couple months and am now happily to the place where I can knit and talk at the same time. The downside of this is that Anne's new boy, Florian (cute German fellow who's a few years younger than I) thought I was considerably older than I am... possibly because every time he's met me I've been ensconced in a rocking chair with my knitting.