Monday, June 30, 2008

I'm Melllllting...

It's +31 C outside. It is approximately 900 degrees warmer in my office. The A/C apparently conked out on the weekend and they haven't got it running yet. With a fairly sealed building where people haven't enough sense to close the (admittedly poor) shades on the many windows, this has resulted in an impressive greenhouse effect. It's actually cooled off some since I arrived this morning, but perhaps that's merely since I stopped moving.

I've stripped off my last remaining article of clothing not required for decency's sake: my sandals. Unfortunately, this means when I stubbed my toe this afternoon, they had even less protection than usual. (Yes, I do this a lot.) I don't think I actually broke it, but I wouldn't rule out a sprain at this point: it really hurts and doesn't want to bend.

What a good first day back at work!


At 3:47 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

So you don't want to hear that I have goosebumps on my legs from our over-active AC and that I go outside every hour or so to warm up?

At 11:38 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Somehow it's not a helpful thought, no. I was so happy to cool down when I went outside for lunch!


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