Monday, December 25, 2006

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Joyous Solstice, Merciful Holdays, or whatever you celebrate at this time of the year! May you eat good things, laugh with loved ones and share what you have with others. Hope I get to see you all soon.

Monday, December 18, 2006

Lights at the Legislature

Yesterday was Christmas with my mother, sister, and their respective partners. We had a lovely day full of cookie and empanada eating, robot boxing (I rule!), Apples playing, present-opening and yes, more eating. The gang departed around 6:30 and miraculously I was still full of energy. I braved the cold to wander across the river and drag Anne out to gaze upon the lights at the Legislature building - for her second time that day. We stopped inside for a cup of hot chocolate and some Polish choir music before taking a round-about loop back to Anne's.

More Lights

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Merry Christmas!

Last night was our Christmas Friday Feast which we celebrated by inviting everyone else to do the cooking so Rem could devote his time to creating building materials for gingerbread houses. Thanks go out to Jenn, Sophie, Young Tom, Kathy & Neil, Anne, Lana, and Beth for their culinary contributions. The gingerbread houses seemed to be a big hit, though we discovered that Malcolm has a disturbing penchant for dismembering gummi bears. Sorry to divide up the pictures so much - blogger doesn't like me to post more than three at a time. Hope you all are finding the time and energy to celebrate the holidays in whatever manner suits you. Just remember: don't drink & drive (or bike!).

Gingerbread Houses!

Gingerbread houses!

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Lana made me do it...