Monday, September 18, 2006

Not a cardboard box but rather a lemon...

So it seems our prospective condo has a reserve fund of $7000. Hardly reassuring when the reserve fund study won't tell us how long they expect either the heating system or the roof to last but will pinpoint the expected life of everything else at at least 10 years. We've opted not to remove the conditions and so are back to the drawing board.

In other news, my sister wrote her GMAT (grad school application tests) today and scored in the 97th percentile... ie. only three percent of people who write the test do better! Pretty good stuff, eh? Apparently she got a nearly perfest score on the verbal section. I've always said we're a wordy bunch. Go Kirsten!

Friday, September 15, 2006

Not even a cardboard box...

So it seems we have just bought a condo! It's still subject to a pile of conditions like viewing the condo docs, getting financing, inspections, etc, but we've just accepted a counter offer for a place on 124 St. & 109 Ave. for $147 500. It's a two bedroom in an older building (late 60's, early 70s?) so we will have to look carefully at the various condo docs and inspections and so forth, but it's a simple 3-storey walk up with no fancy things like pools and parkades to break down and cost the moon. So here's hoping. The place has a tenant with a 6-month lease so we probably can't move in until late winter / early spring and we'll need to do a little work on it like painting the walls and maybe, if we get ambitious, tearing out the carpeting and replacing it with something else.

Oy! Scary stuff!

Oh - you can see a picture of the outside at - enter E3068577.