Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Day 2

So yes, there was a day two. Against my better judgement and inherent laziness, I agreed to venture out again. I must admit that Sunday was significantly less joyous than Saturday. There was a lot less "ooh, look at that great sky! what incredible colours! I love this place!" happy pedalling and a lot more staring at the road going "keep pedalling. just keep pedalling. if you take a nap in the ditch surely someone will phone an ambulance and they'll spoil your rest anyways".

Sunday's ride started at 10:30am as we weren't on a tight schedule so we had time for a lovely crepes and blackberries breakfast with my mother and her beau. We got home at about 5:45, after about 5 hours of pedal time and 2 and a quarter of rest time. Our average speed was down slightly - about 22.06km/hr (not sure about those decimals - #'s at home) but less than I expected consiering we were pretty sore and tired and had a lot more headwind to contend with.

By happy accidental timing, we met up with Malcolm, Micah, Mark and Jen in Beaumont and received a pep talk about the last 25 or 30 kms. Jen tried to convince me that it was a 40 minute ride all downhill with a tailwind. I didn't believe her but I liked the idea! Turns out she was wrong about the timing (I think she overestimated our speed rather a lot) but pretty accurate with the grade and the wind - thank heavens!

Sunday night was filled with a lot of sitting and a lot of whimpering every time I had to sit or stand up. Not moving was my preferred activity for the evening. Pleasantly, my muscles were feeling much better by monday morning and are quite fine today. Hurrah! And it is still sunny and gorgeous and I get to bike home soon. Double hurrah!

So the bike tours will continue, but I am still far far far away from thinking it would be a good idea to bike up a couple of mountain ranges as my nutbar husband is planning to do in June. Be careful, nutbar!


At 5:04 p.m., Blogger Lana said...

Glad to hear that you're feeling even better today. Maybe I'll hold off on getting you those tensor bandages then ;)


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