Saturday, May 13, 2006

Camrose Expedition: Day 1

Today was our frist long-distance Canadian bike excursion. Rem has done some very long (120km) days in Taiwan and we did some lesser (50-70km?) trips in the Netherlands but we'd yet to attempt similar feats on our home soil.

So today we filled up our pannies, strapped on our helmets and biked to Camrose. We stuck to secondary highways for the most part, taking Malcolm's advice on a route to Beaumont and then catching the Rolly View road a few klicks out of town there. From there, it was straight on to Miquelon Lake and then a slight jog to Camrose. All told, it was a pretty good day. The last home stretch from the Lake to town started well but I was picturing it being closer and the adrenaline ran out a little early. Probably should have stopped for some food and water but the mosquitos were feasting on Rem's exposed flesh and I REALLY wanted to get there.

The day was wonderfully sunny, the scenery amazing, the wind frequently at our backs and the traffic fairly mild. All in all, a lovely day. Just don't ask me about the current state of my knees.

Today's ride by the numbers:
Trip length: 108 km door-to-door
Ride time (time when the bike was actually moving): 4 hours, 46 minutes and 50 seconds
Average speed: 22.64 km/hr
Max speed: 54.99km/hr
Actual trip time, including breaks: 6.5 hours


At 11:28 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

yeehaw! Way to go, kids! Sounds like a great ride. Are you riding back?

For your knees, in case no one's said this:

1. Make sure your seat is as high as possible
2. Make sure your pants aren't tugging on your kneecaps when you pedal
3. Make sure you're keeping your knees close to the toptube (the horizontal bar) when you pedal
4. Put on a tensor and maybe take a mild anti-inflammatory like Aspirin if it doesn't go away

At 9:25 p.m., Blogger Stuffy said...

Oh yeah, we rode back. I'll post about the numbers soon.

Thanks for the advice about knee precautions - I did raise my seat up more today and may yet even more. I don't think the pants were a problem but I'll keep it in mind. Tensor bandages are on my list of things to purchase now!

I'm not sure if it's a real knee problem or just over using my lazy muscles. I usually live a fairly pain-free lifestayle, thanks heavens, so I'm not great at differentiating.

However, I'm pleased to announce that after 216 km of biking, I still feel miles better than I did after three runs of skiing!


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