Monday, April 17, 2006

Happy Easter!

Hope y'all had a pleasant long weekend. We celebrated easter with three big dinners. Our usual Friday Feast featured lamb this week, and then we (who am I kidding? Rem cooked.) did a big ham for Saturday lunch with my dad, stepmother, gram and aunt Polly. Sunday was a big dinner at my mom's and today I feel like you could roll me down the hall. So much food. So little biking. Lots of housecleaning and homework, though, both of which need to be done. Yes, I'm blogging as a direct result of procrastination.

My only other news this week was an email from a long lost friend (last news from him was a wedding announcement a year ago) who is apparently now a father... boy do I feel old! (And too young, all at the same time.) Poor guy is away from his wife and new baby for two or three months while she's far, far away with her family grieving for her recently passed mother. Sad situation all around. Having spent a large amount of time away from my significant other, I've got lots and lots of sympathy for him.

Okay, end of procrastintion.
Stephanie out.


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