Tuesday, June 14, 2005

House hunting

I don't think I've announced it on here yet, but it's official: we're moving back to Edmonton come November or thereabouts. Rem's got a PhD position lined up at our old alma mater and I've started half-heartedly browsing the Charity village job listings. It's a little early to really be job hunting seriously, but we want to purchase some sort of domicile when we return, and having a steady source of income is generally required for a mortgage.

In the spirit of starting things too early, then, I've also been browsing some of the real estate listings currently posted. I was originally gunning for a house, but after checking out what seems to be available in our price range around the university, I'm swiftly being convinced of the wisdom of buying a condo. Not shoveling snow is also a good incentive.

One thing is for sure: we won't be moving back into my old house in Strathcona. My old roomies are selling it and the list price of $619 900 is just a tad out of our price range. You can check it out here. It's the dollhouse looking one at the top.

If that damned link still isn't working, copy & paste this: http://www.realestatesprucegrove.com/753_propertydisplay.jsp?URL=%2FmyRealPage%2Fsearch_results.jsp%3FID%3D753


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