Research is scary
I'm writing my term paper on the paradigm shift that is gay marriage. As probably all of you know, I'm firmly on the "for" side. As such, I've been having a hard time writing about the "agin" side with any kind of accuracy. I thought maybe I could remedy this with more research, so back I went to the internet to try to find more info. Mostly I found vituperative hatred that just made me angry and sad. One site, put up by a Christian Church, astounded me with just its illuminating address:! So much for love they neighbour. Fortunately, I also found an excellent site:, which I think does a pretty good job of summarizing and contrasting conservative and liberal Christian views on same-sex marriage and homosexuality (and lots of other stuff, too, though I didn't read all 2500 essays) without making me scream. I still think the "agin" side is very very wrong, but then, that's what paradigms are all about: my facts and their facts are opposite.
Nontheless, at least I finally found a reading of the Bible which doesn't continually offend me. This is progress.
Have you actually written anything yet or are you still reading library books?
Tsk tsk. Get some work done.
This very morning I wrote an introduction, K! Such productivity astounds even me.
(Already finished the two short library books. Am unwilling to start the long ones until the paper's done. Am trying to motivate myself by reading the Canadian Writer's Style Guide instead. Efficacy questionable.)
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