900 Words!
Not that you're likely to care, but I have reached the fantabulous milestone of 900 words in my 2500 word paper. I just have to tell someone. Gah, I hate living alone! The food sucks, there's no one to poke, and I've started talking to myself. I know, I'm overreacting. It's been all of 6 days of peace and quiet. I should be enjoying this. I'm not. I miss my husband.
I have re-learned, however, that the best way for me to write papers is
1) Know exactly what I want to say before I sit down. This does not mean writing outlines or whatnot, but just somehow knowing.
2) Have a scary, sanction-full deadline looming. No deadline = no work. The paper's not actually due until the 24th, so I'm trying to construct an artificial deadline on Rem and Clare's return. It's helping somewhat.
Okay, 1600 more words....
**Edit: It's Saturday afternoon and I'm up to 1541 words. Hurrah! Of course, I've changed my mind about my thesis three times in the last 24 hours, but hey, you can't have everything.**
**Edit 2: Monday afternoon, 2:15pm: after two days off from writing (Rem's back! yay!), I'm up to 1697 words. 800 more to go...**
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Hey I had no idea you were doing your paper on this topic. Here is a link that may be of use or at least interest for you... http://exodus.blogs.com/
Love ya'
Thanks for the link - I've actually stumbled across several of the sites they've posted.
Rem suggested the paper topic and it seemed like a really good idea at the time (actual thesis: Bill C-38 represents a paradigm shift in Canada) but I've had a very difficult time separating my own ferocious opinions out enough to write about the issue as a paradigm shift and not just about the positions. That, and I think I'm out of practice with paper-writing!
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