Saturday, January 29, 2005

Weather & Happiness

Anyone who knows me knows I have a potentially unhealthy obsession with the weather. I like to think I'm just Canadian, but the truth is that my extremities are a good 5-10 degrees colder than the rest of me all winter (and spring, and fall...) and grey skies turn me into a grump (I'm sure that's what it is!).

As a result, I'm continually dreaming of living somewhere where it's summer all year. Unfortunately for my fantasy life, but probably not for my reality, I'm coming to the conclusion that should I discover such a place, I probably wouldn't want to live there. Not just because it's probably either really hot or really wet and grey, but also because you, dear readers, don't live there. You live (for the most part), in Canada, which is why, in less than a year, so will I.

But I'm still going to curse January.

This entry was inspired by an excellent column on Canadians and weather. Go read it


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