Well, after my furious post last night, I've received lots of supportive emails and comments from you all - thanks a lot!! However, I have learned that I have quite the larcenous group of friends: there have been many suggestions of getting vengence on his car, house, dog, bicycle, person, etc. I'm impressed. I even had someone offer to come beat upon my aggressor. Unfortunately, she felt flying all the way to Utrecht to beat up an old man with cancer might qualify as overdoing it. Nuts.
My officemates suggested I should still take this complaint to the police. I've been considering it but am still unsure if I will. I'm not sure how seriously the police will take this matter: the bolts were returned, the aggressor hardly looks dangerous, and I'm a young foreigner facing off with an old Dutch man with cancer. I don't think it looks good for me.
it seems ridiculously unfair that it wouldn't look good for him. I mean, look at the scenario: An old man taking apart a young foreign lady's bike when it is legally chained to a sign in a parking lot, then yelling at her when she shows up to work things out in a calm and fair manner, trying to close the door in her face, threatening to steal the bike if he ever sees it around there again, etc, etc.
But i share your doubts regarding how the police can react, and i'm not sure what there is to be done now that it's over and done with - what can they really do, and will it make a difference? besides, the less of your time this idiot takes up the better. at the same time, it seems wrong that he can act this way and get away with it.
God Damn I hate old people like that! You know it happens all the time that they get their way because they're OLD and generally have some form of sickness. How is it our fault and when they act like that I am induced not to care even more. It's like when the old bastards fall down the escalator at my store. Of course they're all embarassed and mad because they lost their balance and fell which of course turns it into OUR fault as a company because well God Damn we have escalators and not illegal immegrants who could pull them to the next level in rickshaws! "We did things differently in my day!" Is a frequent refrain heard throughout our store. Newsflash... "We don't care!"
And you do have elevators, too! If it were still "the old days", they'd have to fall down the stairs instead. I don't see how that's an improvement.
**Side note to anyone who doesn't know me who may be reading this: we're much nicer than it looks here. Honest. Really. Usually.
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