I've been inspired by Anne's post to cast my wandering eye back over 2006 in search of accomplishments. Here's what I've got:
-recruited some terrific board members, got new grants, started some new programs and increased some old ones at work. (Much credit must be given to the terrific board members too.)
-became a commuter cyclist - at least, from April to October. November's ice has scared me off but I may be out again soon.
-biked from Edmonton to Camrose and back in one weekend.
-bought a condo.
-spent lots of time with lots of people I missed while in Europe.
All in all, pretty good. Perhaps not so spectacular a list as all the countries I visited in 2005, but rather more productive, and honestly, more enjoyable. Here's to an even better 2007...
Oh, and I almost forgot: I do have a new year's resolution this time around: swear off the regular consumption of donuts. My doc says my cholesterol is too high.
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